hit couter

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

What are Kit Cars?

Kit cars are cars that the buyer has to build himself! They look, work, feel and sound like other cars on the road, with most being older-style models from a bygone era.

There are many different types of kit car and they vary in areas such as the type of parts required, skill and time involved in putting them together and the finished model.

Building a kit car takes a lot of time - hundreds or even thousands of hours of labour are involved - as well as a substantial financial investment. This is not to mention the work space and tools and equipment required. The end result is well worth it though!

Embarking on a kit car is not something for the feint-hearted, or those with a tendency to avoid hard work. That said, even those with the most basic understanding of mechanics and engineering can put together a kit car with the help of fellow enthusiasts and the wealth of information and advice available.

Often, the main mechanical components such as the engine, transmission and fuel system, are provided or bought so they simply have to be fitted in. The chassis and bodywork are assembled in the same manner as a toy car, putting together the various pieces in the right order, only on a much larger scale!

Kits vary from just a book of plans to a complete set will all the parts and components included. Following a basic plan and buying each part separately will enable the builder to create a truly unique car, but he must have a good understanding of how everything works to ensure it fits together properly. New kit car enthusiasts are better off buying the whole kit so they do not have to worry about where to find all the parts and have everything they need with tailored and complete instructions.

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